News ID: 728
Publish Date : 22 October 2017 - 15:19

VW-Mammut Contract Finalized, Details Revealed

A few days after VW’s subsidiary, the Seat, declared that it would not enter Iran car market, an authority from the ministry of industry, mine and trade mentioned the contract between VW and Mammut Khodro has finilized.

Khodrocar – VW’s main office has spoken not even a word about Seat’s decision regarding not to enter Iran car market, along with more than a month elapsed time until the deadline set for Mammut and VW to sign contract, everyone assumed that VW is not going to enter Iran car market as well. Yet authorities from the ministry of industry, mine and trade say otherwise.

"Although the contract between VW and Mammut has not been signed yet but there have been no words regarding VW’s displeasure to enter Iran car market as well. Latest updates show that the two parties are finalizing the details of their contract.” Said Amirhossayn Ghanati, an authority from ministry of industry, mine and trade.

"In this contract the production of three vehicles with new platforms are set. VW is present in Iran car market in two different ways. First is to import CBU vehicles through Mammut Khodro and second is to produce vehicles in Iran.” Added A.Ghanati.

Khodrocar Translator: Mostafa Anisi